Columbia, MO


Atkins Offers Premier Lawn Care, Pest Control, Landscape Maintenance & Commercial Cleaning in Columbia, MO

Atkins is proud to be headquartered in the great city of Columbia, Missouri! We partner with local homeowners and businesses to provide top-quality lawn care, landscape maintenance, pest control, holiday lighting and commercial cleaning services. To learn more about how we can serve you, contact our team today for a free consultation.


1123 Wilkes Blvd #250,

Columbia MO 65201



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The History of Atkins’ Columbia, MO Location

Atkins’ corporate headquarters and the service center for the northern half of central Missouri resides in the Propeller District at 1123 Wilkes Blvd Suite 120. Atkins also has warehouse space in the same block.

Tom and Linda Atkins moved their business in 1977 to the 1123 Wilkes Blvd address and set up shop. Placed on the
National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) in 2002, 1123 Wilkes Blvd is special because it is the only historic industrial building of its kind in Columbia. Tom and Scott began the restoration of the Wilkes Boulevard building in 2005.  The building had many signs and relics from the fallen wooden airplane propeller factory during World War II to the Ar-Cel Garment Factory.

See more about the Atkins family historic preservation as well as their contribution to the communities we serve in our 90-year celebration publication.

Visit Atkins’ Other Mid-Missouri Locations

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